Samsung RF4287HARS Refrigerator Review

29 cu. ft. 4 Door French Door Bottom Freezer Refrigerator w/Ice & Water Dispenser – Stainless Finish

Overall: The Samsung RF4287HARS refrigerator is special as it is the only 4 door refrigerator model that Samsung currently makes (it also comes in a black or white finish).

The extra features and size make this a perfect purchase for a busy family of 4 or more. With the extra drawer you’ll be able to easily access items that you normally use on a regular basis, saving time and money.

Capacity: 28 cu. ft.

Notable Features: We always try to point out features that we think make a fridge special in our refrigerator reviews and fridge had more than a few to look at.

    Samsung RF4287HARS Four Door French Door Stainless Refrigerator

  1. FlexZone Drawer: There is a center drawer that gives you the unique ability to control the temperature in JUST THAT DRAWER. The Samsung RF4287HARS Refrigerator has four different temperature zones depending on what you are storing in it:

    • Meat or Fish (29F)
    • Beverages (33F)
    • Cold Cuts or Snacks (37F)
    • Wine or a Party Platter (42F)

    Best of all, the drawer opens at counter height so as not to throw off the lines of your kitchen.

  2. Smart Divider: Considering this drawer is the same size as your fridge, Samsung realized how had it would be to keep it organized. Instead they created something called a Smart Divider.

    This divider looks like a plus sign that separates the contents of your drawer into four different sections. The only difference with this divider is all you have to do is move it around and viola you have custom size sections to fit your needs at that moment.

  3. LED Lighting: If you’ve been keeping up on the energy usage of lighting you know that LED lights use a great deal less energy but did you know that they also create substantially less heat and that they allow for you to see every corner of your fridge equally well.

    • TIP: Even if you don’t buy exactly this fridge, you really should consider one with LED lighting as we have heard more than a few scary stories about how 60w bulbs in fridges have been potential fire hazards.

  4. Twin Cooling Plus System: While this has a fancy schmancy name on it, the reason why it’s really a big deal is that odors and moisture from one side won’t end up on the other one due to this system. One of my least favorite things is having something like cut onions in the fridge and opening the freezer to find that everything in there tastes just like raw onions -- trust us, onions and vanilla ice cream are not a good flavor combination.

  5. Power Freeze and Power Cool: These functions are super helpful to chill down a bottle of wine before company shows or to flash freeze items so that they keep as much freshness as possible when defrosted.

  6. EZ-Open Handle on Freezer Drawer and FlexZone Drawer: Considering the amounts of weight in either of these drawers, this allows for easy opening and closing of either drawer. This is especially easy for young children or the elderly –which if you have kids at home can be a double edge sword.

Colors: Stainless Steel, Black or White

Efficiency: The Samsung RF4287HARS Refrigerator is Energy Star rated and is expected to use 562 KWh/year and it comes with a door alarm to let you know if you accidentally left the door open.

MSRP: $2,999.00 for the stainless steel and $2,399.00 for the black or white

Similar Models to Samsung RF4287HARS Refrigerator

While Samsung doesn’t make that many 4 door French door refrigerators, here’s a few other models that you may want to take a look at:

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