Office Refrigerator Reviews

Do I Need a Compact, Apartment, or Extra Large Refrigerator?

An office refrigerator is a great addition to any workspace. Not only does it allow for convenience of simple things like cold drinks and eating lunch in, it also allows for increased office productivity.

Whether you need an office fridge for just one office or a large enough one to take care of an entire staff, this is one investment that any business owner will never regret.

Through our research we've found more than a few large, very successful companies offer not only full kitchens but also a chef on staff or bring lunch in every day for everyone.

The theory is this, if someone stays in the office for their lunch they will probably only take 30-45 minutes to eat, heck they may even work while they are eating. On the other hand if they go out, they will take 15 minutes getting ready to leave, an hour to eat and another 15 minutes getting back into their work. That’s an hour and a half worth of lost productivity per employee!! No matter how you slice it, the small investment is worth it.

Which Office Refrigerator is Right for You

Before going out to purchase a fridge you should consider a few things:

  1. How many people will your office refrigerator be serving? Is it for an entire staff or is it just for one person?

    If it’s for one or two people with small needs you may want to consider purchasing a compact refrigerator. If you'd like to see a list of compact refrigerator brands, click here and scroll down.

    • FYI: Avanti, Haier, and Summit all make a compact refrigerator/microwave combo unit taking care of both needs at once.

    Though for most people with minimal amounts of space, our suggestion would be to take a look at an apartment size refrigerator -- basically it serves the same function of a full size refrigerator but in a smaller package.

    If your staff is quite large you may want to consider a larger full size refrigerator or even a freezerless refrigerator (meaning, no freezer -- these units are all refrigerator).

  2. How much freezer space will you need, if any, in your office refrigerator?

    For a compact fridge this can be a big difference. You will find that most compacts really don’t have any freezer space. Basically enough room for a small ice tray. In order to have freezer space in a compact you’ll need to buy a larger one. (We recommend you take a look at the few 2-door top freezer compacts for real freezer space – more space, no self defrosting). If you need a full size refrigerator and your staff really doesn’t use much freezer space you should definitely consider a freezerless refrigerator. It offers much more internal storage space.

    Should you need a great deal of freezer space and a regular refrigerator doesn’t take care of these needs, then a chest freezer or an upright freezer would be more appropriate.

  3. Do you need an office refrigerator with an ice maker or do you need a separate ice maker?

    While most full size fridges make a decent amount of ice, they are made to have enough ice for 2-6 people. Should you need more than that, purchasing a stand alone ice maker is a great idea. (Again, if your employees work better after having a soda or iced coffee it’s another way to increase productivity.)

    Though if you do have a large staff a dedicated ice maker is always a good idea to make sure that there is always enough ice. This is also a great idea if you choose to purchase a freezerless refrigerator as most do not come with ice makers.

  4. Do you want/need an auto-defrost setting?

    Defrosting isn’t really an issue in regards to full size or apartment sized refrigerators as they typically have a built in defrost cycle. If you are thinking about getting a compact refrigerator this is something to seriously consider.

    • Tip: Having to defrost a fridge even if it is only once every 2 months will take away from productivity. In the end, we really think it’s worth it especially because we hear how hard it is to just keep an office fridge clean!

  5. Does your refrigerator need to be counter height or counter depth?

    When doing your measurements, take into account that a counter height refrigerator can actually add workspace to any kitchen/or office. (Many people tend to put microwaves on top of them as it is the perfect height.)

    Remember though, a Counter Depth refrigerator has a bit LESS internal storage space capacity. So, if you're planning on having this refrigerator service multiple employees, you may want to consider a larger capacity refrigerator.

Office Refrigerator Maintenance and Rules

Last but not least, we recommend that you set up a list of rules.

You'll want to determine who is responsible for CLEANING the fridge as well as HOW LONG people can store food before it is thrown away (most offices set up a cleaning every two weeks and unless the food is marked, it will be thrown away).

Be clear which products are meant for specific individuals and which are "community" (e.g., creamers, milk, etc.)

Thinking ahead will prevent needless arguments among co-workers and less headaches for the boss.

Compact Refrigerator Reviews

Apartment Refrigerator Reviews

Freezerless Refrigerator Reviews

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