Home Depot
Small Refrigerators

Not Sure Which One is Right for You?

Home Depot Small Refrigerators

If you’re looking for one of the Home Depot small refrigerators then you’re in the right place.

We know that researching on their site can easily get confusing as well as overwhelming.

That's why we've created this page to break down their small refrigerator category so that you can quickly & easily find the right one for you!

Home Depot Small Refrigerators:
What kinds are there?

While most of us would consider a ‘small refrigerator’ to be either a smaller regular refrigerator or a small office or dorm refrigerator, Home Depot carries many more categories than you might imagine.

The easiest way to understand the different categories of Home Depot Small Refrigerators would be to break them up into these three types:


  1. Freestanding: These refrigerators look like a regular fridge that just slides right into an opening meant for it in any kitchen. They can come in different styles, but a Top Freezer Refrigerator is the most common type in the ‘small freestanding refrigerator’ category.

  2. Built-in: These models are as they sound – built into the existing cabinetry. Though this ‘type’ blurs a bit as it includes models from the category above and below. The biggest thing with this type is that it tends to look more seamless than other models.

  3. Counter Height: These refrigerators can come in the various configurations below:

Single Door without Freezer: (can be clear glass or solid)- typically counter height, but some are full size

  • Pros:
    This model holds more items as the refrigerated section isn't competing with the freezer for space.

  • Cons:
    No freezer

B. Single Door w/Freezer:
This model comes with a freezer inside of it.

  • Pros:
    You have the best of both worlds and can make ice cubes.

  • Cons:
    Less space
    A freezer inside the fridge will commonly freeze and must be defrosted with a hair dryer.

C. Double Door w/Separate Freezer: This model allows for a separate space with it's own door for the freezer items.

  • Pros:
    1. Fridge and freezer are separate and often come with frost-free abilities

    2. If you do have to defrost your freezer, you won't have to empty the fridge as well

    3. Smells from food in the fridge won't penetrate your freezer food.

    4. Looks better than other small fridges.

  • Cons:
    Having a freezer will cause less space in the fridge.

Double Drawers: This model typically has 2 drawers and is often used as a beverage refrigerator but can be used in other ways as well.

  • Pros:
    Often, you have more control over the temperature of this type of fridge.
    It looks very stylish and not even like a refrigerator.

  • Cons:
    It typically costs 3-4 times that of other small/compact refrigerators.

E. Commercial: This type of small refrigerator is one that will either be upfront to sell you something or used in back to keep items cold and ready to prepare. 

  • Pro:
    These fridges showcase refrigerated items (glass doors) or work hard for a business.

  • Con:
    The design looks different from what you would want in a residential

Home Depot Small Refrigerators:
How to Get the Best Price

Home Depot's Buy More, Save More Programs

Who wouldn't want to get the best price possible for their new small fridge? To guarantee that you get the best deal possible, you must compare the prices at Home Depot with other home improvement centers, such as Lowe's, Best Buy & Sears. Also, check the many Home Depot sales and deals they offer regularly.

We've broken down the various reductions in each Home Depot sale throughout the year and other options for saving money buying your fridge.

Click here to see how you can save $$

Home Depot Small Refrigerators:
How Home Depot Lists Them

Remember how we said above the easiest way to explain this would be with these three types? Well, sadly, that's not how they do it. Here's a list of the different ways that Home Depot lets you search for their small refrigerators:

Home Depot Small Refrigerator Types

Home Depot Small Refrigerators:

The first way to research is by the style of fridge. While there are more than you might expect, please know that the smaller your needs are, the fewer styles you will find. Here's the styles you will find:

(click on any of the items below to better understand)

  1. Bottom Freezer Refrigerators
  2. Commercial Refrigerators
  3. Drawer Refrigerators
  4. Freezerless Refrigerators
  5. French Door Refrigerators
  6. Side by Side Refrigerators
  7. Top Freezer Refrigerators

Home Depot Small Refrigerators Brands

Home Depot Small Refrigerators:
 by Brand

There are a surprising number of brands in this section of refrigerators though many you may never have even heard of. The reason for this is most specialize in specific types of refrigerators such as ice makers or car fridges.

  • Avanti
  • Bevoi
  • Bosch
  • Commercial Cool
  • ConServ
  • Cooler Depot
  • Costway
  • Danby
  • Equator Advanced Appliances
  • Frigidaire
  • Galanz
  • GE
  • Haier
  • iio
  • Impecca
  • Koolmore
  • Kooltron
  • Magic Chef
  • Magic Cool
  • Maxx Cold
  • Premium Levella
  • RCA
  • Summit Appliance
  • Unique Appliances
  • Vissani
  • Whynter

Home Depot Small Refrigerator Heighths

Home Depot Small Refrigerators:
by Heighth

Often we hear from people asking for that are shorter than 69" tall but smaller refrigerators fall into many categories smaller than that. Here is how Home Depot breaks them up:

  1. 20-30.99"
  2. 31.0-44.99"
  3. 45.0-58.99"
  4. 59.0-62.99"
  5. 63-64.99"

Home Depot Small Refrigerator Capacity

Home Depot Small Refrigerators: Capacity

When you are looking for the perfect small refrigerator capacity will make a huge difference as to how big it is.

The range of refrigerators that Home Depot carries falls between 2-35 cu ft. As I'm sure you can imagine the difference between the two is tremendous.

Home Depot Small Refrigerator Depths

Home Depot Small Refrigerators:

Just like the standard refrigerators, small refrigerators have the option of either coming in either a standard depth or that of counter depth. Though beware that counter depth, while beautiful, will decrease the amount of storage space within.

Home Depot Small Refrigerators Sizes

Home Depot Small Refrigerators: Sizes

When you're looking for a small refrigerators remember there are two distinct sizes that they can fall into: compact (smaller under counter like an office or dorm fridge) or standard which you would see in a kitchen or a garage. Here's a bit more about the differences:

  • Under counter Refrigerators:
    These refrigerators are typically only 32-46 inches tall and generally are put under a cabinet. They can have:

    *The typical single swinging door with a small freezer inside the fridge (which always ends up in a block of ice because it doesn’t have the ‘frost-free option’),


    *A top freezer fridge that has a separate compartment for the freezer that has its dedicated door (much more reliable with keeping things frozen). Lastly, drawer fridges have two more styled drawers (and often 3-4 times the cost of the others) and are perfect as beverage refrigerators.

  • Compact Refrigerators: The name can be quite confusing as it sounds like they should also fit under counters but instead they are smaller refrigerators that can vary considerably size-wise. The easiest way to find what you're looking for is to know the answer to all 3 of the below:

    1. Height to top of refrigerator 45.0-58.99”

    2. Refrigerator fit width: 22” wide

    3. Water Dispenser: Do you need to have a water dispenser on the front of your small refrigerator? Just know that if it does come with one, typically there is no ice maker.

Home Depot Small Refrigerators Features

Home Depot Small Refrigerators: Features

Now that you know which sizes model you will need it's time to choose the features you will want/need to fit your needs.

  • Shelving:
    When talking about a smaller refrigerator, the shelving can make all of the difference in whether or not it will work or be the bane of your existence.   

    1. Open or Closed:
    You will have the option of wire shelving at a reduced price. While the savings maybe tempting do NOT buy the wire shelving. Sure it saves you money upfront, but it will drive you crazy down the road.

    We've heard many horror stories from people talking about things falling over and the spill goes everywhere. So whatever you do, buy the option with glass shelves.

    2. Adjustable Shelves:
    Now that you’ve committed to buying a fridge with glass shelves (phew!), now to consider if you want them to be adjustable.

    Remember that there isn’t much space in these fridges, and if the shelves aren’t adjustable, you are stuck with not being able to fit more oversized items in your fridge.

  • Temperature Control:
    We often don’t even consider this an issue, but trust us when we tell you it truly is. The last thing you want is frozen lettuce in your fridge when you can’t turn up the temperature. Plus, the more fine-tuning possible, the better!

    When all you have is the possibility of Cold, Colder & Coldest, it’s enough to drive you mad! There is no telling what that means, so you end up with things being too cold or not cold enough.

    Try to find a fridge with a dial with numbers on it; whether or not they are exact temperatures isn’t the case. You will want a dial that lets you fine-tune everything. (If you can’t know exactly what temperature they each mean, you can always buy a refrigerator thermometer for a better idea.)

  • Reversible Door:
    A door that reverses is super important so that you don’t get stuck between a wall when trying to open it. This way, you can shift it to the other side.

  • Energy Efficiency:
    Let’s be honest; we all want to spend less on our energy bill, so keep an eye on how much energy your Home Depot small refrigerator uses. Look for the Energy Star Logo, which will help you know which ones will save you more.

  • Freezer:
    This type of fridge can come with a freezer, or it can come without one. Make sure you need one before buying one with it, as often they are small and can cause many issues.

  • Lights:
    Often, smaller refrigerators don’t come with interior lights or terrible ones at that. Having one can make a big difference in finding your food and knowing when it’s time to clean it out.

  • Soda Can Dispenser:
    This is a feature you won’t find built into any other fridge than a small refrigerator. If you drink a great deal of soda, this makes life MUCH EASIER, and we recommend getting one.

Related Articles

Refrigerators Less Than 69" Tall: Click here for a list of shorter refrigerators.

Compact Refrigerators: See more small refrigerators than just those carried at Home Depot.


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